
Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones – Simon Wardley at DevOpsCon 2017

Jul 5, 2017

Being unaware of your situation can and will lead to mistakes. In his keynote at the DevOpsCon 2017 in Berlin, Simon Wardley examines the issue of situational awareness and explaines how it applies to the world of DevOps.

Using examples from government and the commercial world, Simon Wardley explores the methods of mapping your environment, identifying opportunities to exploit, and learning to play the game. He also answers the question what modern DevOps inherited from its predecessors and talks about the legacies which will be passed on to its successors.

Simon Wardley is a Researcher for the Leading Edge Forum, a global research and thought leadership programme dedicated to helping large organizations reimagine their organizations and leadership for a technology-driven future. Simon is also the lead practitioner for LEF’s Wardley Maps advisory service which helps clients anticipate market and ecosystem developments so they know where to go and why. Simon’s focus is on the intersection of IT strategy and new technologies, and he is the author of multiple reports including Clash of the Titans – Will China Dethrone Silicon Valley? where he assesses the hi-tech challenge from China and what this means to the future of global technology industry competition. His previous research covers topics including Of Wonders and Disruption, The Future is More Predictable Than You Think – A Workbook for Value Chain Mapping, Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts: Strategies for an Increasingly Open Economy, Learning from Web 2.0 and A Lifecycle Approach to Cloud Computing.

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