
DevOpsCon 2019 Keynote

Jun 26, 2019

Some DevOps transformations flourish, but many others are stalling. Why is that? In his Keynote at the DevOpsCon 2019 in Berlin, Damon Edwards makes the case that Operations is the most predictable differentiator.

So much of the energy in DevOps has been about activities that start in Dev and move towards Ops — continuous delivery, deployment pipelines, automated testing, and of course, the unofficial mantra of “deploy, deploy, deploy.“ However, when it comes to Operations, too many DevOps transformations maintain the status quo and leave questionable Operations practices in place.

In his talk our speaker first examines the trouble with the various siloed, ticket-driven, low trust, and centralized practices that have been accepted in Operations for far too long. Then he takes a look at the specific techniques used by high-performing Operations organizations who are fundamentally transforming how they operate.

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